Don’t Forget to Play

September 20, 2021

Winning is cool, playing is better.

These days, it seems like everything from grades on your report card to casual after school sports can be turned into a competition. While a little competition can be healthy, don’t confuse that for winning at all costs until it’s no longer fun for anyone. That becomes tiring and, let’s be honest, no one wants to be the person who is way too intense about the game. Playing should be about just that – play – and not about winning. When you do play, don’t let the competition take away all the fun (looking at you, too-intense-kid).

We believe in working hard and playing hard at DEFY. Cliché? Maybe. But cliché’s stick around for a reason: because they’re true. After all, what’s better than playing and blowing off steam after a long day at school? In our trampoline parks, as long as you’re having fun, you’re winning in our book. Everyone is there for one goal: playing. From the moment you walk in, to the moment you take off your grip socks, play is the name of the game.

Wondering what you can do to play in our parks? Check out our ninja course! The goal here shouldn’t be the finish line, but to try everything (and try again) even if you fail. Not feeling like a ninja? Totally cool. Try our silks and become an aerial artist. Even if you just chill a foot off the floor instead of flying high, what matters is that you’re playing. Feeling like doing some good ol’ jumping? Works for us. Whether you’re flipping, jumping, or just relaxing, there is no losing on our classic trampolines.

While we can all agree that winning a game is great, there’s one thing it’s not: everything. Don’t just take our word for it, though. We asked a Flight Crew member, Gunner at DEFY Apex, what he loves most about DEFY: “I love interacting with kids because they truly believe they are capable of anything and have so much fun doing everything.” It’s this spirit of play and possibility that we hope everyone who walks through our doors not only feels but participates in as well. And to end this on an inspirational note, remember, no matter who you sit next to in class or who you’re facing on the court, your greatest competitor and teammate should always be yourself.

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