At DEFY, we take safety seriously. Because everyone has more fun when they feel comfortable and confident jumping in our parks.
Court Rules
- Always participate at your own risk. Flips and other tricks can be dangerous
- Always remove street shoes and wear park approved grip socks
- Always empty your pockets entirely before jumping. Remove all jewelry including earrings, necklaces, and rings. No belt buckles, keys, or key chains
- Always walk on and off the courts.
- Always be in control of your body at all times. No aggressive behavior
- Always master the fundamentals of single trampoline jumping before moving onto more advanced skills, such as aerial or flipping type skills
- Always land on two feet. Bend your knees to stop your bounce
- Always bounce on the center of the trampoline
- Always land on the closest trampoline when bouncing and flipping off of trampoline side walls
- Always be aware of those around you and jump with people that are of similar age/size
- Always prevent collisions
- Always follow all park rules and Team Member instructions
- Do not sit or lie down
- Do not land on safety pads
- Do not land on your head or neck
- Do not try dangerous tricks
- Do not double bounce or affect another jumper’s bounce in anyway
- Do not double flip
- Do not do more than two single flips in a row
- Do not have anything in your mouth while jumping (gum, candy, food, drink, etc.)
- Do not run or race across the trampoline courts
- Do not push or tackle
- Do not touch any perimeter netting or top pads
- Do not throw balls at another jumper’s head or neck area
- Do not wear wet clothes or unapproved body paint
- Do not jump if a Team Member is not present
- Do not take unnecessary risks
- Do not jump from trampolines to decking
- Do not dive headfirst into foam pits
- Do not attempt gainers
Guest Responsibility
Everyone that enters a court or activity must have completed and signed a valid waiver
Guests/Participants that are under 18 must have it completed and signed by their parent, legal guardian, or someone with power of attorney
Prior to participating, all guests and accompanying adults assume full responsibility to ensure the following:
- Everyone’s waivers are properly executed
- Everyone has viewed the rules
- Everyone has read the rules signs posted
- Everyone must have valid jump or activity time before entering any trampoline court or activity
- Everyone completely understands and agrees to follow all rules and Team Member instructions
- Everyone is in good health without restrictions
- Everyone’s personal items such as eye wear, hearing aids, braces, prosthetic devices, watches, phones, cameras, are secure, impact resistant and suitable for use in a demanding sports environment
- Everyone is aware of those around you. It is your responsibility to avoid others
- No guns, knives, sharp objects, or weapons of any kind are allowed on premises
- Remember your physical limitations
- Follow all posted rules and directions given by staff members
- No one under the influence of drugs or alcohol is allowed
- Serious injury, paralysis or death can occur even if all rules are followed
- Activities and dodgeball games may involve individuals of different sizes, ages, and abilities. Participate at your own risk
- Guests and accompanying adults assume full responsibility for their actions and conduct
- Guests and accompanying adults must follow all park rules and Team Member instructions at all times
- Guests and accompanying adults assume full responsibility to ensure that personal property including cameras and cell phones are not lost, stolen or damaged
- Team Members reserve the right to relocate guests and accompanying adults to a different court, activity or area at any time
- Non compliance to rules or Team Member instructions may result in the loss of access privileges
- Wear park approved grip socks
- Follow all weight, height and/or age restrictions posted
Can I Leave A Child Unattended At A Defy Park?
Children under the age of 13 cannot be left alone without parent or guardian supervision.
Arena Information
Safety signs are posted throughout the park. Our staff will gladly remind you of these rules should you happen to “forget” while flying.
Flight Crew members are stationed throughout the arena to enforce safety rules. They also assist in the event of injury.
Routine safety inspections are conducted to ensure that all equipment is in proper condition.
We aim to cover all springs between trampoline mats to help prevent accidents.
All posts in the arena have padded coverings to protect participants from injury.
Arena netting is strategically placed to separate attractions and safeguard steel framework.
Our foam pits are engineered to ensure that jumpers enjoy a clear pathway to the foam. All foam is regularly cleaned and circulated.
Our trampoline mats, pads, and decking surfaces are cleaned and disinfected daily.
Please use the dropdown menu below to familiarize yourself with the rules for each activity.
Augmented Climbing Rules
- Always ensure that a maximum of two people are on the wall at once.
- Always land feet first.
- Always tie back and secure long hair.
- Always remove loose items, including jewelry, watches, scarves and drawstrings.
- Always be in control of your body at all times.
- Always descend in a controlled manner.
- Always be aware of others around you.
- Always ensure you meet the weight requirements: 40 lbs. – 250 lbs. (18 kg – 113 kg).
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew instructions.
- Always wear park approved grip socks.
Do not
- Do not land on head, neck or stomach.
- Do not hang upside down.
- Do not climb directly above or below another guest.
- Do not attempt any skill or activity outside of your own personal limitations, abilities or skill level.
- Do not climb if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
- Do not participate if you have any injuries to back, neck, shoulder, arm, or broken bones.
- Do not participate if you have heart problems.
- Do not climb to the extent that your feet are more than 8 feet off the ground.
- Do not rough house or horseplay in the climbing area.
Augmented Jump Rules
- Always stay within your abilities.
- Always have only one player per trampoline.
- Always keep the area between the trampoline and the screen clear during a game.
- Always use at your own risk.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew instructions.
Do not
- Do not touch the Augmented Jump screen.
Bash Ball Arena Rules
- Always empty your pockets before attempting. No sharp objects or devices (cameras, phones, etc.).
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew instructions.
- Always remove street shoes and wear park approved grip socks.
- Always only one participant per ball.
- Always maintain control of your ball at all times. Maintain a safe speed.
- Always remain upright in the ball. Becoming inverted can cause injury to the head and neck area.
- Always participate at your own risk.
- Always sit down in ball if you would like to stop and exit.
- Always ensure you meet the height and weight requirements: 46” or taller and maximum weight 250 lbs. (18 kg – 113 kg).
Do not
- Do not rough house or aggressively bump other.
- Do not have anything in your mouth (gum, candy, food, etc.).
- Do not exit ball until directed to do so by a Flight Crew Member.
Battle Beam Rules
- Always stay in control of the jousting stick.
- Always be paired with competitors of like sizes.
- Always stay within your set of markers on the beam.
- Always stop play when your body touches the foam.
Do not
- Do not hit competitor in the head, face, neck or groin.
- Do not spear or jab.
- Do not dive or land on your neck or stomach.
- Do not step outside your set of markers on the beam.
- Do not flip off beam.
- Do not swing the jousting stick above the head.
- Do not intentionally throw jousting pole.
- Do not hit your opponent once they are down.
- Do not run toward your opponent.
Bungee Trampoline Rules
- Always wear a harness.
- Always ensure harness fits properly.
- Always jump straight up and down and not front to back.
- Always land on your feet.
- Always remove shoes and wear park approved grip socks.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew instructions.
- Always jump only when instructed to do so by a Flight Crew Member.
- Always remove jewelry and sharp objects.
- Always empty your pockets.
- Always land feet first and knees apart.
- Always be in control of your body at all times.
- Always use attraction at your own risk.
- Always tie back and secure long hair.
- Always exit the attraction when finished.
Do not
- Do not land on your head or neck.
- Do not put on your own harness.
- Do not walk under jump poles.
- Do not remove the harness yourself.
- Do not double flip.
- Do not attempt maneuvers beyond your skill level.
- Do not sit or lie on the court. If you are tired and need to rest, you must exit the court.
- Do not participate if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
- Do not wear wet clothes or unapproved body paint.
- Do not have anything in your mouth (gum, candy, food, etc.).
- Do not push, tackle or engage in horseplay of any kind.
Challenge Pit Rules
- Air Bags – always land as flat as possible on your back or bottom.
- Foam Pits – always land feet first and knees apart.
- Always be in control of your body at all times.
- Always be aware of those around you and nearby obstacles at all times.
- Always perform at your own risk.
- Always tie back and secure long hair.
- Always remove street shoes and wear park approved grip socks.
- Always remove loose items such as jewelry, watches, scarves and drawstrings.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew instructions.
Do not
- Do not land on your head or neck.
- Do not dive or pencil dive.
- Do not attempt flips or advanced aerial maneuvers.
- Do not hang upside down.
- Do not push, tackle, or engage in horseplay of any kind.
- Do not attempt any skill or activity outside of your own personal limitations, abilities or skill level.
- Do not make contact with other guests or staff.
- Do not climb or make contact with any part of the support structure.
- Do not enter if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
Climb Rules
- Always raise your hand when you are ready to be clipped in or out of a belay.
- Always wait for a Flight Crew Member to clip and unclip you from a belay.
- Always raise your hand when you need help.
- Always be aware of your surroundings.
- Always let go of the wall and sit back in your harness with your feet against the wall when you are ready to come down.
- Always stand outside of landing zones.
Do not
- Do not climb unless you are wearing a harness and a Flight Crew Member has clipped you into a belay.
- Do not clip or unclip your own belay. Always ask a Flight Crew Member for help.
- Do not operate any of the belays or activities without assistance.
- Do not stand in or run through landing zones.
- Do not hold on to the wall when coming down. Let go of the wall and sit back in your harness.
- Do not hang upside down.
Court Rules
- Always participate at your own risk. Flips and other tricks can be dangerous.
- Always remove street shoes and wear park approved grip socks.
- Always empty your pockets entirely before jumping. Remove all jewelry including earrings, necklaces, and rings. No belt buckles, keys, or key chains.
- Always walk on and off the courts (no running).
- Always be in control of your body at all times. No aggressive behavior.
- Always master the fundamentals of single trampoline jumping before moving onto more advanced skills, such as flipping.
- Always land on two feet. Bend your knees to stop your bounce.
- Always bounce on the center of the trampoline.
- Always land on the closest trampoline when bouncing and flipping off of trampoline side walls.
- Always be aware of those around you and jump with people that are of similar age/size.
- Always prevent collisions.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
Do not
- Do not sit or lie down.
- Do not land on safety pads.
- Do not land on your head or neck.
- Do not try dangerous tricks.
- Do not double bounce or affect another jumper’s bounce in anyway.
- Do not double flip.
- Do not do more than two single flips in a row.
- Do not have anything in your mouth while jumping (gum, candy, food, drink, etc.).
- Do not run or race across the trampoline courts.
- Do not push or tackle.
- Do not touch any perimeter netting or top pads.
- Do not throw balls at another jumper’s head or neck area.
- Do not wear wet clothes or unapproved body paint.
- Do not jump if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
- Do not take unnecessary risks.
- Do not jump from trampolines to decking.
- Do not dive headfirst into foam pits.
- Do not attempt gainers.
Dodge Attack Rules
- Always remove street shoes and wear park approved grip socks.
- Always empty your pockets and tie long hair back.
- Always report any concerns about the equipment to a Flight Crew Member.
- Always follow all court rules and Flight Crew instructions.
- Always loosen up with exercises and stretches and practice being in control of your bounce before using Dodge Attack.
- Always jump so you land with both feet at the same time.
- Always participate one at a time.
- Always rest on the platforms if you need to take a break.
- Always children under 7 years old must be supervised by an adult.
Do not
- Do not double flip, triple flip or attempt gainers.
- Do not distract other guests while they are using Dodge Attack.
- Do not attempt any activity beyond your skill level.
- Do not wear loose clothing or anything that has a hard or sharp point.
Dodgeball Rules
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
- Always watch for cross traffic.
- Always stay off of the tops of all vertical trampoline beds.
- Always be aware of age and size of others playing dodgeball.
- Always exit the court when you are out.
Do not
- Do not throw a ball past the dividing court line.
- Do not throw at the head.
- Do not exceed maximum court capacity.
- Do not fight, rough play or be overly aggressive.
- Do not sit or lie on the trampoline courts.
- Do not throw or kick the ball if you are out of play.
- Do not double bounce.
- Do not dive for the ball or block a ball.
- Do not kick the dodgeball.
Dodgeball Game Rules
Each team begins the game with an equal amount of balls and players.
Two teams start on opposite back walls.
Play begins when a Flight Crew Member signals to start.
To eliminate a player, you must hit him/her with a ball or catch a ball he/she has thrown.
First team to completely eliminate the opposing players team wins.
No head shots or any unsportsmanlike conduct – THIS IS AN INSTANT OUT.
If you are hit – YOU ARE OUT.
If a ball you throw is caught – YOU ARE OUT.
If you cross the center line – YOU ARE OUT.
If the referee calls you out – YOU ARE OUT.
Once a ball hits a non-human object IT IS DEAD.
You may deflect a ball coming towards you by using a ball in your hands.
Once you are out, you may return to the line and wait for the next game.
Players are allowed to retrieve a ball from the trampoline line dividing each side.
No suicide throws.
If a teammate catches an opposing player’s throw, one teammate who has been out the longest may return to the game.
A player hit in the head while ducking or dodging is out.
You may block a throw with a ball you are holding, however, you are still out if: the hit causes you to drop the ball, the ball deflects off the ball you are holding and still hits you and, your teammate blocks a hit but it deflects off your teammate ball and hits you.
Tournament and league play are subject to rule changes.
Once a player is hit, they must exit the court.
Each game has a time limit.
Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
Dropping Planks Rules
- Always go one person at a time.
- Always be aware of those around you.
- Always empty your pockets entirely.
- Always control your speed to each plank.
- Always use your feet to run across entire obstacle.
- Always keep your face forward.
- Always attempt to cross the entire length of the planks.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
Do not
- Do not land on your head or your neck.
- Do not dive headfirst into the dropping planks.
- Do not hold onto the wall to balance yourself.
- Do not sit on the dropping planks.
- Do not climb underneath the planks.
- Do not dive across dropping planks.
- Do not try to tumble across the planks.
- Do not continuously bounce on a single plank.
- Do not push, tackle, or engage in any horseplay of any kind.
Trapeze Rules
- Always only one person on the Fly Bar Trapeze.
- Always confirm previous guest has exited the Foam Pit before starting.
- Always let go of the Trapeze on the first swing out.
- Always launch from the swing from the swing on the first swing over the Foam Pit.
- Always remove jewelry, sharp objects and empty your pockets.
- Always land feet first and knees apart.
- Always remain in control of your body at all times.
- Always perform tricks and flips at your own risk.
- Always exit promptly using the closes designated exit.
Do not
- Do not attempt to sit, stand or hang by your knees on the Trapeze.
- Do not swing backward toward the platform.
- Do not stand directly behind the Trapeze while in use.
- Do not dive or pencil dive.
- Do not land on your head or neck.
- Do not jump from the platform.
- Do not attempt maneuvers beyond your skill level.
- Do not participate if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
- Do not have anything in your mouth (gum, candy, food, etc.).
Foam Pit/foam Zone Rules
- Always make sure the landing area is clear before jumping into the foam pit.
- Always empty your pockets before entering the foam pit.
- No sharp or unauthorized objects allowed in the foam pit.
- Always perform flips and tricks AT YOUR OWN RISK.
- Always one guest per lane.
- Always land feet first and knees apart.
- Always be in control of your body at all times.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
Do not
- Do not land on your head or neck.
- Do not dive or pencil dive.
- Do not double bounce or affect another jumper’s bounce in any way.
- Do not attempt anything beyond your skill level.
- Do not jump into the foam pit until the landing area is clear.
- Do not double flip, back flip, or do forward moving back flips (gainers).
- Do not jump if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
Free Climb Rules
- Air Bags – always land as flat as possible on your back or bottom.
- Foam Pits – always land feet first and knees apart.
- Always tie back and secure long hair.
- Always remove loose items, including jewelry, watches, scarves, and drawstrings.
- Always be in control of your body at all times.
- Always descend in a controlled manner.
- Always be aware of others around you.
Do not
- Do not land on head, neck or stomach.
- Do not dive or pencil dive.
- Do not hang upside down.
- Do not climb above another guest.
- Do not attempt any skill or activity outside of your own personal limitations, abilities or skill level.
- Do not climb if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
Freestyle Duo Rules
- Always remove street shoes and wear the park approved grip socks.
- Always empty your pockets and tie long hair back.
- Always report any concerns about the equipment to a Flight Crew Member.
- Always follow all court rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
- Always loosen up with exercises and stretches and practice being in control of your bounce.
- Always jump so you land with both feet at the same time.
- Always participate one at a time.
- Always rest on the platforms if you need to take a break.
- Always children under 7 must be supervised by an adult.
Do not
- Do not double flip, triple flip or attempt gainers.
- Do not distract other guests while they are using the attraction.
- Do not attempt any activity beyond your skill level.
- Do not wear loose clothing or anything that has a hard or sharp point.
High 9 Rules
- Always remove street shoes and wear park approved grip socks.
- Always empty your pockets and tie long hair back.
- Always report any concerns about the equipment to a Flight Crew Member.
- Always follow all court rules and Flight Crew instructions.
- Always loosen up with exercises and stretches and practice being in control of your bounce before using High 9.
- Always jump so you land with both feet at the same time.
- Always participate one at a time.
- Always rest on the platforms if you need to take a break.
- Always children under 7 must be supervised by an adult.
Do not
- Do not double flip, triple flip or attempt gainers.
- Do not distract other guests while they are using High 9.
- Do not attempt any activity beyond your skill level.
- Do not wear loose clothing or anything that has a hard or sharp point.
Hoops/dunkjam Rules
- Always empty your pockets before entering the Hoops/DunkJam court.
- No sharp objects or unauthorized objects allowed on court.
- Always be aware of your landing position.
- Always land on both feet near the center of the trampoline.
- Always be in control of your body at all times.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
Do not
- Do not land on your head or neck.
- Do not double bounce or affect another jumper’s bounce in any way.
- Do not attempt anything beyond your ability level.
- Do not perform flips on Hoops/DunkJam court.
- Do not hang on the rim.
- Do not bounce off the back wall or netting.
- Do not touch any part of the basketball backboard or netting.
- Do not jump if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
Joust Rules
- Always stay in control of the jousting stick.
- Always be paired with competitors of like sizes.
- Always stay on your Bosu ball.
- Always stop play when your body touches foam.
Do not
- Do not hit competitor in the head, face or groin.
- Do not spear or jab.
- Do not dive or lang on your neck or stomach.
- Do not step onto a competitor’s Bosu ball.
- Do not flip off of the pedestal.
- Do not swing the jousting stick above the head.
- Do not hit your opponent once they are down.
Ladder Rules
- Always one person at a time.
- Always climb up the Ladder on all fours.
- Always avoid falling onto or through the Ladder.
- Always exit the Ladder to the side.
Do not
- Do not dive or land on head, neck or stomach.
- Do not flip or attempt tricks.
- Do not go through or between the rungs.
- Do not stand up on the Ladder.
- Do not push, pull, spot or throw objects at someone on the Ladder.
Log Roll Rules
- Always participate one person at a time.
- Always work to keep your balance while moving across the log.
- Always land feet first, knees apart.
- Always exit promptly when your turn is over.
Do not
- Do not land on your head, neck or stomach.
- Do not flip or attempt tricks off of the Log Roll.
Mega Launch Rules
- Always remove shoes and wear park approved grip socks.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
- Always remove jewelry and sharp objects and empty your pockets.
- Always remain in control of your body at all times.
- Always tie back and secure long hair.
- Always use a mat and return it following your slide.
- Always slide feet first on your back, or headfirst on your stomach.
- Always slide one person at a time.
- Always exit the landing are as quickly as possible.
- Always wait for the landing area to clear before sliding.
Do not
- Do not land on your head or neck.
- Do not flip.
- Do not attempt any skill or activity beyond your limitations or abilities.
- Do not insert feet into the hand-hold grips on the mat.
- Do not “piggy-back” or double-up guest on a mat.
- Do not climb onto the slide landing area from the common area.
- Do not grab side walls with your hands or slow yourself with your feet.
- Do not have anything in your mouth (gum, candy, etc.).
- Do not jump if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
- Do not push, tackle, race or engage in horseplay of any kind.
- Do not wear wet clothes or unapproved body paint.
Monkey Bars Rules
- Always remove shoes and wear grip socks.
- Always empty your pockets entirely.
- Always remove jewelry or any sharp objects.
- Always be aware of those around you.
- Always control your descent.
- Always land feet first, knees apart.
- Always one person on Monkey Bars at a time.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
Do not
- Do not land on your head or neck.
- Do not dive or pencil dive.
- Do not attempt any skill or activity outside of your personal limitations, abilities, or skill level.
- Do not have anything in your mouth (gum, candy, etc.).
- Do not push, tackle, or engage in horseplay of any kind.
- Do not participate if a Flight Crew Member is not present or if another person is using at the same time.
Ninja Trainer Rules
- Air Bags – Always land as flat as possible on your back or bottom.
- Foam Pits – Always land feet first and knees apart.
- Always be in control of your body at all times.
- Always be aware of those around you and nearby obstacles at all times.
- Always perform at your own risk.
- Always secure loose hair and drawstrings prior to participation.
- Always remove street shoes and wear park approved grip socks.
- Always empty your pockets entirely and remove loose items such as jewelry, watches.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
Do not
- Do not land on your head or neck.
- Do not dive or pencil dive.
- Do not attempt flips or advanced aerial maneuvers.
- Do not hang upside down.
- Do not push, tackle, or engage in horseplay of any kind.
- Do not attempt any skill or activity outside of your own personal limitations, abilities or skill level.
- Do not make contact with other guests or staff.
- Do not climb or make contact with any part of the support structure.
- Do not enter if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
Octo Launcher Rules
- Always use the Octo Launcher one person at a time.
- Always remove street shoes and wear park approved grip socks.
- Always place one foam cube into launcher before pulling back on the lever.
- Always use only foam cubes from the Foam Pit.
- Always have both feet on the ground when using the Octo Launcher.
- Always keep your feet shoulder width apart.
- Always use your hands to pull back on the lever.
- Always aim over the Foam Pit.
- Always aim below the neck when launching at a friend.
Do not
- Do not put your face in front of the Octo Launcher.
- Do not aim or launch foam at someone standing directly in front of Octo Launcher.
- Do not launch foam at a guest who has asked you not to hit them.
- Do not climb or hang on the Octo Launcher.
- Do not put two or more foam cubes into the launcher at once.
- Do not use your feet to pull back on the launcher.
- Do not flip the Octo Launcher around.
Performance Wall Rules
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
- Always one person per trampoline at a time.
- Always sit and stand only in designated areas.
- Always check the trampoline below before coming down off the wall.
- Always land on your bottom (seat drop) or back (back drop) when returning to the trampoline from the top of the wall.
- Always announce your intent to return to the trampoline below before leaving the wall above.
- Always walk up the wall using your feet to get to the top.
- Always remain in control of your body at all times.
- Always be aware of those around you at all times.
- Always perform at your own risk.
- Always remove street shoes and wear park approved grip socks.
Do not
- Do not land on your feet, head, neck or stomach.
- Do not jump off the wall onto the ground below.
- Do not jump onto a trampoline already in use by another guest.
- Do not jump or launch off the top of the wall feet first.
- Do not perform flips or tricks.
- Do not attempt any skill or activity outside of your personal limitations, abilities or skill level.
- Do not climb or jump directly up to the top of the walls. The wall is designed for walking the wall to the top.
- Do not jump on the trampolines or use the wall without a Flight Crew Member present.
Performance Trampolines
Have been designed for high performance.
Are different than the rest of the trampolines in the park.
Are more powerful and produce more bounce.
Can propel you higher.
Are positioned next to the wall which creates the opportunity to walk the wall.
Are for guests who have mastered fundamental trampoline skills and are capable of advanced skills while maintaining control of their body at all times.
To use the Performance Trampolines, you must be confident in and demonstrate your ability to do a back drop. This area is not designed for first time guests or guests with little experience with trampolines. First time guests to the wall should start with the shortest wall before progressing to the higher walls. The objective is to bounce on the trampoline on your back while using your feet to walk the wall. You must ensure you are familiar with all of the rules before using this attraction.
Rings Rules
- Always one person at a time.
- Always swing from ring to ring, start to end.
- Always land feet first.
Do not
- Do not land on head, neck or stomach.
- Do not hang upside down.
- Do not flip or attempt tricks on the rings.
- Do not run at any time.
Ropes Course Rules
- Always follow all park rules, Flight Crew Member instructions and stickers.
- Always wear secure shoes that do not have open toes or open heels.
- Confirm laces are tied.
- Always wear a properly fitting harness.
- Always empty your pockets and remove all loose objects like cameras, cell phones, glasses, etc.
- Always only one guest per element at a time.
- Always keep the redundant sling in front of you and between your shoulders.
- Always know your physical limitations and stay within them.
Do not
- Do not take your cell phone or any other loose item with you on the Ropes Course.
- Do not have anything in your mouth (gum, candy, food, etc.).
- Do not run, jump, hang or engage in horseplay.
- Do not touch the overhead tracking system, tamper with the harness or redundant sling line.
Silks Rules
- Always remove street shoes and wear park approved grip socks.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
- Always remove jewelry and sharp objects.
- Always empty your pockets.
- Always land feet first and knees apart.
- Always be in control of your body at all times.
- Always perform tricks at your own risk.
- Always control your decent from the Silks to the foam below.
Do not
- Do not land on your head or neck.
- Do not dive or pencil dive.
- Do not tie knots in the silks.
- Do not climb higher than the top of the silk.
- Do not attempt maneuvers beyond your skill level.
- Do not participate if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
- Do not slide down Silks.
- Do not have anything in your mouth (gum, candy, food, etc.).
- Do not push, tackle or engage in horseplay of any kind.
Sky Ninja Rules
- Always remove jewelry, scarves, watches, objects from pockets, large buckles or any other loose objects or clothing before participation.
- Always tie back and secure long hair back.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew instructions.
- Always be aware of your surroundings.
- Always wait for a Flight Crew Member to clip/unclip you from the course.
- Always continue to move forward through the course.
- Always call for a Flight Crew Member if you need assistance.
- Always wait for the guest in front of you to complete an element before starting.
All participants must be at least 5 feet tall and weigh less than 260 pounds.
Do not
- Do not participate unless you are wearing a harness and clipped into the course.
- Do not return to an element behind you.
- Do not take food or drinks onto the course.
- Do not clip/unclip yourself form the course, always ask a Flight Crew Member for help.
- Do not come into contact with any other guest on the course.
Sky Tower Rules
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
- Always remove street shoes and wear park approved grip socks.
- Always remove jewelry and any other sharp objects.
- Always wait for a Flight Crew Member to be present before using Sky Tower.
- Always one person at a time.
- Always maintain control of your body at all times.
- Always be aware of others around you.
- Always wait for others to exit the landing area before jumping.
- Always land on your back or your bum.
- Always exit the foam promptly.
Do not
- Do not land on head neck or stomach.
- Do not dive or pencil dive.
- Do not flip.
- Do not jump from the top and land on the platform or ground.
- Do not getting a running start at the top of the tower.
- Do not linger in the fall areas.
- Do not participate if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
- Do not jump if other guests are present in the landing area.
Dunk Yard Rules
- Always empty your pockets before entering Slam. No sharp or unauthorized objects allowed on court
- Always attempt dunks/shots at YOUR OWN RISK.
- Always one person per lane.
- Always be aware of your landing position.
- Always land on both feet near the center of the trampoline.
- Always be in control of your body at all times.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
Do not
- Do not land on your head or neck.
- Do not double bounce or affect another jumper’s bounce in any way.
- Do not attempt anything beyond your ability level.
- Do not perform flips on Slam.
- Do not hang on the rim.
- Do not bounce off the back wall or netting.
- Do not touch any part of the basketball backboard or netting.
- Do not jump if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
Slack Line Rules
- Always empty your pockets before attempting attraction.
- No sharp objects or devices such as cameras or phones are allowed.
- Always be courteous to those in front of and behind you.
- Always one person at a time.
- Always enter from the platform.
- Always balance on the slack line using your feet.
- Always exit the slack line to the side.
- Always confirm the previous guest has exited before using the Slack Line.
- Always use the support rope if one is available.
Do not
- Do not push, shove or engage in horseplay.
- Do not land on head, neck or stomach.
- Do not flip on or off the slack line.
- Do not straddle or attempt to sit on the line.
- Do not run at any time.
Softplay Rules
- Always supervise your children.
- Always remove street shoes and wear park approved grip socks.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
- Always observe all minimum and maximum height and age requirements.
- Always slide one at a time in a forward seated position, feet first.
- Always notify management of any problems or concerns.
Do not
- Do not push or rough house.
- Do not climb on or up the slide.
- Do not land on your head or neck.
- Do not participate if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
- Do not bring food, gum or beverage onto the play area.
- Do not slide headfirst on slides.
- Do not have two or more people sliding together.
- Do not run in the play area.
- Do not bring toys into the play area.
- Do not play if the equipment is wet.
- Do not wear loose-fitting clothing, hoodies, dangling or loose jewelry.
Stunt Airbag Rules
- Always land on back/bottom or as flat as possible.
- Always aim for the center of the Airbag when jumping.
- Always stay in designated lanes.
- Always exit promptly using the closest designated exit after landing.
- Always exit as instructed by a Flight Crew Member.
- Always be aware of those guests around you.
- Always remove jewelry or any sharp objects.
- Always empty pockets before jumping.
Do not
- Do not perform back flips or gainers.
- Do not land on your head or neck or face first.
- Do not dive or pencil dive or belly flop.
- Do not jump until instructed by a Flight Crew Member.
- Do not jump if Airbag alarm is sounding.
- Do not jump is Airbag is deflated.
- Do not jump until previous jumper has exited the Airbag.
Stunt Fall Rules
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
- Always remove street shoes and wear park approved grip socks.
- Always remove jewelry and any other sharp objects.
- Always wait for a Flight Crew Member to be present before using Stunt Fall.
- Always one person at a time.
- Always land on the Airbag on your back or your seat.
- Always exit the Airbag promptly.
Do not
- Do not dive or pencil dive.
- Do not land on your feet.
- Do not land on your head, neck or stomach.
- Do not jump from the top and land on the platform or ground.
- Do not perform flips or tricks.
- Do not jump if another guest is in the landing area.
- Do not push, tackle or engage in horseplay of any kind.
- Do not have anything in your mouth (gum, candy, etc.).
Super Tramp Rules
- Always remove street shoes and wear park approved grip socks.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew instructions.
- Always remove jewelry, sharp objects and empty your pockets.
- Always remain in control of your body at all times and stay within your skills and abilities.
- Always jump only one at a time.
- Always keep your feet together when bouncing up and coming down so that both feet land on the trampoline.
- Always tie long hair back in a ponytail or bun.
Do not
- Do not land on your head or neck or stomach.
- Do not attempt any skill or activity beyond your limitations or abilities.
- Do not push tackle, race or engage in horseplay of any kind.
- Do not double-flip or do more than two single flips in a row.
- Do not have anything in your mouth (gum, candy, etc.).
- Do not wear wet clothes or unapproved body paint.
- Do not bounce while holding a child.
Swaying Towers Rules
- Always remove street shoes and wear park approved grip socks.
- Always empty your pockets.
- Always be aware of those around you.
- Always land feet first and knees apart.
- Always one person at a time.
- Always exit the foam promptly when your turn is over.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
Do not
- Do not land on your head or neck.
- Do not dive or pencil dive.
- Do not climb up or sit on top of the Towers.
- Do not play under the Towers.
- Do not attempt any skill or activity outside of your personal limitations, abilities or skill level.
- Do not have anything in your mouth (gum, candy, etc.).
- Do not push tackle or engage in horseplay.
- Do not participate if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
Swing Rules
- Always only one person at a time on the Swing.
- Always confirm the previous guest has exited the Foam Pit before swinging.
- Always stay seated in the Swing at all times before launch.
- Always sit on the Swing facing forward.
- Always launch from the Swing on the first swing over the Foam Pit.
- Always remove jewelry, sharp objects and empty your pockets.
- Always land feet first and knees apart.
- Always remain in control of your body at all times.
- Always perform tricks at your own risk.
- Always exit promptly using the closest designated exit.
Do not
- Do not attempt to stand or hang by your knees on Swing.
- Do not swing backward toward the platform.
- Do not stand directly behind the Swing while in use.
- Do not dive or pencil dive.
- Do not jump from the platform.
- Do not attempt maneuvers beyond your skill level.
- Do not participate if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
- Do not have anything in your mouth (gum, candy, food, etc.).
Target Zone Rules
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
- Always keep axes inside the throwing area.
- Always keep an eye on the axes.
- Always one axe per player, per target at a time.
- Always inform Flight Crew Member Members of any loose targets.
- Always be aware of those around you.
Do not
- Do not throw axes until each person is ready and alert.
- Do not bring food or beverages into the throwing area.
- Do not flip the axes or throw them at anything other than the target.
- Do not retrieve axes until each person has thrown.
Throwdown Rules
- The objective is to shoot the ball into your opponent’s goal.
- Each game is scored 1 point per goal.
- The first participant to reach 5 is the winner of the match.
- Participants on defense is encouraged to defend their goal.
- The match winner may take on the next opponent until they lose.
- Always empty your pockets before jumping. No sharp objects or devices (cameras, phones, etc.).
- Always only one participant per trampoline bed.
- Do not attempt any flip maneuvers in this attraction.
- Do not intentionally jump into netting or climb center divider.
- Do not intentionally throw the ball at your opponent.
Kid’s Court Rules
- Always supervise your child from the platform area.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
- Always encourage your child to stay in his/her own space.
Do not
- Do not play in the Kid’s Court if you are over 6 years of age.
- Do not leave your child unsupervised.
- Do not perform flips or tricks.
- Do not roughhouse in this area.
Kid’s Foam Rules
- Always land feet first.
- Always respect others in the area.
- Always be in control of your body at all times.
- Always empty pockets before playing in the foam.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
Do not
- Do not participate in the Kid’s Foam if you are over 6 years old.
- Do not land on your head or neck.
- Do not dive or pencil dive.
- Do not jump into the Kid’s Foam until the landing area is clear.
- Do not do any flips.
- Do not play in this area if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
Topple Run Rules
- Always go one person at a time.
- Always be aware of those around you.
- Always empty your pockets entirely.
- Always control your speed as you run across the topple run.
- Always use your feet to run across entire obstacle.
- Always keep your face forward.
- Always attempt to cross the entire length of the Topple Run.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
Do not
- Do not land on your head or your neck.
- Do not dive headfirst into the Topple Run.
- Do not sit on the Topple Run.
- Do not climb underneath the Topple Runs.
- Do not jump past the first Topple Run to the second.
- Do not continuously bounce on the Topple Run.
- Do not jump backwards once on the Topple Run.
- Do not push, tackle, or engage in any horseplay of any kind.
Tug-of-war Rules
- The first player to touch the ground or land in the foam is out.
- Remain standing and keep the rope above your knees while pulling.
- Keep both feet on the ground.
- Keep the rope under your arm, not over your shoulder or wrapped around your arm.
Do not
- Do not dive or land on head, neck or stomach.
- Do not pull the rope hand over hand.
- Do not sit down while pulling.
- Do not flip or attempt tricks into the foam.
- Do not wrap the rope around your arm.
- Do not fall on top of another guest in the Foam Pit.
Underminer Rules
- Always go one person at a time.
- Always be aware of those around you.
- Always empty your pockets entirely.
- Always control your jump to each Underminer.
- Always use your hands and your feet to balance yourself on the Underminer.
- Always keep your feet shoulder width apart and your knees slightly bent.
- Always jump from the bottom platform of Underminer.
- Always try to get across without falling into the pit.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
Do not
- Do not land on your head or your neck.
- Do not dive headfirst into the Underminer.
- Do not jump passed the first Underminer to the second.
- Do not sit on the Underminer.
- Do not climb underneath the Underminer.
- Do not jump backwards into the Underminer.
- Do not try to do a flip from one Underminer to the other.
- Do not continuously bounce on the Underminer.
- Do not push, tackle, or engage in any horseplay of any kind.
Virtual Reality Rules
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
- Always wait for a Flight Crew Member to help you get started.
- Always be in control of your body at all times.
- Always handle the Virtual Reality equipment with care.
- Always return equipment when your game play is complete.
Do not
- Do not enter the area unless a Flight Crew Member is present.
- Do not interfere with another guest’s game play.
- Do not push, tackle, run or engage in horseplay of any kind.
Virtual Reality Arena Rules
- Always hold on with both hands when entering and exiting the Omni.
- Always step onto the rubber anti-slip mat when entering the Omni.
- Always securely tighten the safety harness around your waist.
- Always close and lock the Omni ring door.
- Always follow all safety instructions and rules communicated by the Flight Crew.
Do not
- Do not unsecure your safety harness when playing.
- Do not open the Omni ring door until instructed by a Flight Crew Member.
- Do not exit the Virtual Reality Arena while wearing the Omni footwear.
- Do not walk into the Omni area while others are playing.
Warped Wall Rules
- Always one person at a time running the wall.
- Always use provided exit to return to the ground.
- Always maintain control of your body at all times.
- Always remain clear of the runway and fall areas.
- Always be aware of others around you.
Do not
- Do not land on head, neck or stomach.
- Do not dive or pencil dive.
- Do not use the wall at the same time as another person.
- Do not jump from the top of the wall to the ground or platform.
- Do not linger in the runway or fall areas.
- Do not climb if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
Warped Wall Warm-up Rules
- Always warm up and stretch out to prepare for your first attempt.
- Always conquer the shortest wall first and work your way up to the tallest.
- Always complete at least one test run by going halfway up, then put your hands on the wall and walk back down while still facing the wall.
- Always run at half speed in your warm-up.
- Always place your first foot 12-24 inches from the base wall. Run up the wall like you are taking two stairs at a time. Take as many steps as necessary to reach the top without lunging or jumping.
- Always put your hands on the wall if you can’t make it to the top and put yourself in a plank position. Take little steps, walking down the wall backwards.
- Always perform on the Warped Wall at your own risk.
Do not
- Do not linger in the runway or fall areas.
- Do not use the wall at the same time as another guest.
- Do not attempt maneuvers beyond your skill level.
- Do not participate if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
- Do not have anything in your mouth (gum, candy, food, etc.).
Ninja Course Rules
- Airbags – always land as flat as possible on your back or bottom.
- Foam Pits – always land feet first and knees a part.
- Nets – land on your back or bum with arms and legs close to you.
- Always be in control of your body.
- Always be aware of those around you and nearby obstacles at all times.
- Always participate at your own risk.
- Always secure loose hair and drawstrings prior to participation.
- Always remove street shoes and wear park approved grip socks.
- Always follow park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
- Always wait for the guest in front of you to complete an element before starting.
Do not
- Do not land your head or neck.
- Do not dive or pencil dive.
- Do not attempt flips or advanced aerial maneuvers.
- Do not hang upside down.
- Do not push, tackle or engage in horseplay of any kind.
- Do not attempt any skill or activity outside of your own personal limitations, abilities or skill level.
- Do not make contact with other guests or staff.
- Do not climb or make contact with any part of the support structure.
- Do not climb above the course.
- Do not enter if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
Slick Slide
- Always remove street shoes and wear park approved grip socks.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
- Always remove hats and tie back long hair.
- Always tuck loose clothing into the harness.
- Always remove jewelry and sharp objects.
- Always empty your pockets.
- Always ensure both hands are available to support your ride.
- Always continue forward motion through the course.
Do not
- Do not carry anything in your hands or have anything in your mouth while on the ride.
- Do not participate unless you are wearing a harness and clipped into the course.
- Do not drop items or spit on people below you.
- Do not participate if the harness does not fit correctly.
- Do not participate if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
- Do not engage in horseplay of any kind.
Sport Court
- Always remove shoes and wear park approved grip socks.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
- Always remove jewelry and sharp objects and empty your pockets.
- Always remain in control of your body at all times.
- Always be aware of those around you and participate with guests of similar size.
- Always follow the rules of the game being played and use only the equipment designated by the Flight Crew Member.
Do not
- Do not land on your head, neck or stomach.
- Do not attempt any skill or activity beyond your limitations or abilities.
- Do not hang on the netting, rims or goal posts.
- Do not push tackle, race or engage in horseplay of any kind.
- Do not double-flip or do more than two single flips in a row.
- Do not throw balls or other equipment used for games at another guest’s head, neck or groin.
- Do not have anything in your mouth (gum, candy, etc.).
- Do not participate if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
- Do not wear wet clothes or unapproved body paint.
Wipeout (pedestals)
- Always remove street shoes and wear park approved grip socks.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
- Always walk on and off court.
- Always select one court area and remain on the same pedestal for the duration of the Wipe Out attraction time.
- Always jump over or duck under the inflatable arms.
- Always remove jewelry and sharp objects.
- Always empty your pockets.
- Always land feet first and knees apart.
- Always be in control of your body at all times.
- Always be aware of those around you and jump with people who are of similar size/age.
- Always be aware of the inflatable arms at all times.
- Always participate at your own risk.
Do not
- Do not dive headfirst over arms or land on your head or neck.
- Do not continue if a guest enters your court space.
- Do not attempt maneuvers beyond your skill level.
- Do not participate if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
- Do not sit or lie on the court.
- Do not have anything in your mouth (gum, candy, food, etc.).
- Do not push, tackle or engage in horseplay of any kind.
- Do not touch any perimeter netting or top pads.
- Do not wear wet clothes or unapproved body paint.
- Do not double flip.
- Do not do more than two single flips in a row.
- Do not climb or hand on the sweeper arms.
- Do not tackle the sweeper arms and/or main arm.
- Do not jump on, land or ride the inflatable arms.
- Do not participate if you have prior medical conditions that could result in injury.
Wipeout (trampoline)
- Always remove street shoes and wear park approved grip socks.
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
- Always walk on and off court.
- Always select one trampoline and remain on the same trampoline for the duration of the Wipe Out attraction time.
- Always jump over or duck under the inflatable arms.
- Always remove jewelry and sharp objects.
- Always empty your pockets.
- Always land feet first and knees apart.
- Always be in control of your body at all times.
- Always be aware of those around you and jump with people who are of similar size/age.
- Always be aware of the inflatable arms at all times.
- Always bounce in the middle of the trampoline.
- Always bend your knees to stop your bounce.
Do not
- Do not dive headfirst over arms or land on your head or neck.
- Do not double bounce or effect another jumper’s bounce in anyway.
- Do not continue jumping if a guest enters your trampoline space.
- Do not attempt maneuvers beyond your skill level.
- Do not participate if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
- Do not sit or lie on the court trampoline.
- Do not have anything in your mouth (gum, candy, food, etc.).
- Do not push, tackle or engage in horseplay of any kind.
- Do not touch any perimeter netting or top pads.
- Do not wear wet clothes or unapproved body paint.
- Do not flip.
- Do not climb or hang on the sweeper arms.
- Do not tackle the sweeper arms and/or main arm.
- Do not jump on, land or ride the inflatable arms.
- Do not participate if you have prior medical conditions that could result in injury.
Zipline (foam Pit)
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
- Always remove jewelry and sharp objects.
- Always empty your pockets.
- Always use the Zip Line one person at a time.
- Always confirm the previous guest has exited before starting.
- Always be in control of your body at all times.
- Always wear park approved grip socks.
Do not
- Do not perform flips.
- Do not land on your head or neck.
- Do not dive or pencil dive.
- Do not participate if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
- Do not attempt maneuvers beyond your skill level.
- Do not leave the platform until the previous guest has exited.
- Do not attempt gainers.
Zipline (airbag)
- Always follow all park rules and Flight Crew Member instructions.
- Always remove jewelry and sharp objects.
- Always empty your pockets.
- Always use the Zip Line one person at a time.
- Always make sure the landing area is clear before leaving the platform.
- Always be in control of your body at all times.
- Always wear grip socks.
Do not
- Do not perform flips.
- Do not land on your head or neck.
- Do not dive or pencil dive.
- Do not participate if a Flight Crew Member is not present.
- Do not attempt maneuvers beyond your skill level.
- Do not leave the platform until the landing area is clear.
- Do not attempt gainers.
Health & Safety FAQ
How Are You Making Sure Guests Who Are Infected Don’t Come To The Park And Infect Others?
Health and safety guidelines are posted at the entrance of all parks reminding Guests about the importance of staying healthy, following guidance from the CDC and the recommended prevention measures. In addition, park sanitation procedures have been increased to maintain a safe and hygienic park environment.
Is It Safe For Me And My Family To Jump At Defy?
The health and safety of our Guests and Team Members remains our top priority. In line with guidance provided by the CDC and other governmental health authorities, we have reinforced and extended our cleanliness measures to maintain a safe and hygienic park environment including, but not limited to:
- Increased daytime cleaning of all high-frequency touchpoints on an hourly basis in addition to regular cleaning procedures.
- Increased the number of regularly filled hand sanitizer stations at park entrance and select attractions, party rooms and bathrooms, as well as added sanitation wipes at waiver stations.
- Daily park sanitization with ionized sprayer/fogger system that sanitizes trampolines, foam and all attractions.
- All Team Members required to wear a face covering/mask and gloves (gloves are changed regularly in accordance with recommended guidance from governmental health authorities).
- Newly installed Plexiglass partitions for employees assisting customers at all cashier stations, front desk and party check-in area.
- New sanitation and safety training module completed by all Team Members, along with new safety and sanitation videos posted throughout park.
- Reduced capacity and social distancing floor markers for queuing at lobby and all attractions.
Has There Been A Confirmed Case Of Coronavirus At Defy?
Some DEFY parks have had confirmed COVID cases. Upon receiving the notice of positive tests, the locations were closed, all employees were tested, park visitors were notified, and the parks were thoroughly sanitized for one week. Employees were notified that they would be prohibited from returning to the park until a negative COVID test was presented. In addition, daily temperature checks are conducted upon arrival for both guests and team members at all DEFY parks.
Is Social Distancing Enforced At Defy?
Floor markers showing recommended social distancing are located throughout the park for queuing in the lobby, at the cafe and some attractions. Park capacity is also reduced and we are asking all Guests to adhere to the social distance standard of 6ft apart (minimum) at cafe tables, platform benches, mezzanine seating and throughout the park. We have and will continue to reinforce our park rules as well, including one person per trampoline.
Will Your Park(s) Be Reducing Capacity In Response To The Spread Of Coronavirus?
The safety of our Guests and Team Members is our top priority. We are currently working closely with the relevant health departments in compliance with their required protocol to determine suitable capacity reductions.
How Are The Foam Blocks Being Cleaned/sanitized?
It’s easier than you’d think. We put an approved anti-viral solution into special fog machines that spray mist over the foam blocks. We do nightly cleanings at all parks, and fog during the day as well when we can.
How Do People With 1-hour Passes Purchased Last Year Get A Spot To Jump?
Send us a private message or come into your local DEFY and ask for a manager. We will make sure to take care of you.
How Long Do You Keep Charging Customers With Memberships After You Close A Park?
Whenever a DEFY is temporarily closed, we immediately stop charging members. If you have a specific question or concern, send us a DM and we’ll get things figured out.
Is The Snack Bar Open?
Things change every day, but many of our parks’ snack bars are open and operating. If you need to know about your local DEFY specifically, give us a call.
What Happens To Private Parties That Have Already Been Booked When A Park Closes?
With COVID-19 still doing its thing, some DEFY parks have closed and reopened. If you had a private party booked but your park has closed, call your local park’s event coordinator. Our event coordinators are ready to take care of you.
What Happens If I Had A Membership Before My Park Closed?
Don’t worry—we’re not jerks. If you have a recurring payment, you won’t be charged while your local DEFY is closed. Once reopened, your membership will be reactivated.
My Location Was Open For A While And Now It’s Closed. What Happened?
The one thing we refuse to mess around with is the health and safety of your family and our employees. For that reason, we follow the most current recommendations from both the CDC and the local governments. Sometimes that means temporarily closing a park.
My Child’s Birthday Is In November. What If Things With Covid Force You To Close After We’ve Put Down Our Deposit Or Paid In Full? Do You Give Refunds? Or Would We Be Out Of Luck?
We have you covered. Should something happen between now and your reservation, we do provide refunds. Feel free to call your local DEFY’s event coordinator to get the latest info. They’re seriously amazing and ready to take care of you.
I Had A 30-day Pass When The Park Closed. What Will Happen To The Extra Days That I Paid For?
Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. We’ll extend all 30-day passes by an additional 30 days when we reopen, no matter how far along they were when we closed.
Do Jumpers Under 5-years-old Have To Wear Masks?
If there’s anyone who’s good at breaking the rules, it’s kids under five. That’s especially true when they have to wear a mask, so we don’t require children under 5-years-old to wear one. If you can convince them to, more power to you. *Rules may vary based on local mandates.
Do Jumpers Have To Wear Masks In The Whole Park? Do Observers?
Typically, we’re all about breaking the rules. But when it comes to the health and safety of our jumpers and observers, we listen to the CDC and local government guidelines. No worries, though—we’ll be sure to tell you whenever you’re here.
Get your Flight Tickets, then hit the runway and wave goodbye to gravity — because you’ll be flying high like never before.